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Connecting People with Nature

Sungchang Enterprise Holdings Ltd. guides and consults business activities of its subsidiaries, and also conducts activities such as development of new plant species, and forest restoration.


We care for our customers and the environment through sustainable green business.
Sungchang Enterprise Holdings Ltd. was established in 1916. In December 2008, we have organized the company into a holding company structure in order to foster expertise in our efforts and maximize business efficiency. Sungchang Enterprise Holdings Ltd. guides and consults business activities of its subsidiaries such as Sungchang Enterprise Co., Ltd. and Sungchang Enterprise Board Ltd. and also conducts activities such as development of new plant species, and forest restoration.

Forest growth

Through our forest restoration programs, we grow economic, environment-friendly forests across Korea. Our forest restoration program started in 1960, and we have continued our program ever since, planting some 200HA of forest per year. Also, we plant economic and environmentally friendly trees such as pine tree, Korea's signature tree, at a rate of 50HA per year. Sungchang currently owns and manages 8,140HA of fields.

Geumgang botanical garden

Created in September 1969 by Founder and Chairman Chung, Tai Sung in the hopes of providing a comfortable place to relax to people of Busan and other visitors to Busan, Geumgang botanical garden is a first privately-owned botanical garden in Korea. Reaching 136,274㎡ in size and having more than 2,000 plant species, this garden embodies a close relationship between human and nature through natural placement of thick pine tree forest, garden trees, and rock formations.

설립일 _ 1969년 9월
위 치 _ 부산광역시 금정구 장전동
면 적 _ 136,274m2